Monday, December 15, 2008

Sienna Laine Martens!

This is Kurt posting for the first time... wanted to let everyone know that we are all settled in at home after a few days at the hospital. Sienna had a bit of a rough start as she swallowed some fluid and had the cord wrapped around her neck upon her grand entrance to the world. As a result, she spent the first few days in the NICU as they observed her and monitored her vitals. It was hard seeing her hooked up to various wires from the outset, but she came around quickly and was released to our room on Saturday afternoon. Sienna weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 21.25 inches long. Now that we are at home, Kazzye, Sienna, Stella and myself are doing great and getting adjusted to our new schedule and daily events. I am taking the next few days off from work to ease in to life as a new parent. Sienna is such a blessing and we enjoy staring at her, observing her many features and movements. So far we're covered some of the basics that we expected - middle-of-the-night crying, HUGE diaper blowouts, and puke. I'm sure there is PLENTY more to experience along the way. Stella has adjusted quite well - she really likes Sienna and would LOVE to lick her entire face, but she's been instructed to keep her distance for now. She's a great companion in the nursery though, and keeps a careful eye on Sienna as she gets fed, burped, and changed. Thanks to all for your well wishes, and we'll continue to provide updates as we begin this new journey...

Friday, December 12, 2008

A new arrival!!!

Very early this morning at 2:45am we welcomed our little girl into the world!! Her name is Sienna Laine Martens and she is the spitting image of her daddy! I was in labor for 13 hours or so and she weighed only 7 pounds 8 ounces- amazing given the fact I was a 9 pound baby and Kurt was 10 pounds 4 ounces! Pictures to follow a little later when we can get them uploaded.