Monday, June 16, 2008

Smile you're on camera!

We went to the doctor again last week and got a new ultrasound pic! It definitely looks more like a baby now! We were able to see it "jumping" around and flipping over- apparently it's a pretty active one- not sure if that's good or bad!


Melissa V said...

what a sweet little miracle - isn't it unreal that an actual human is growing inside of you??! It always seemed alien-like to me - but such a miracle of a little alien! :) ha.. so when do you get to find out what you're having??

Christa said...

sorry - that earlier comment was from me.. my mom's acct was signed in.. oops! :)

NesrstaFamily said...

Congratulations guys! I had no idea. That is so awesome! I look forward to reading all about it.