Monday, July 28, 2008

Golf, Greek and the Cowboys!

Kurt and I had a busy weekend! Kurt decided we should go down to Oxnard (about 30 minutes down the coast) to check out the Dallas Cowboys training camp. On Saturday we drove down there and did some shopping first (since our shopping opportunities in SB are limited- we don't even have a Target!!). Then headed over to the training camp about 3pm. We don't have any pictures because even though we brought the camera, we forgot the charged battery! Oh well! Guess my picture with Tony Romo will have to wait! On Sunday we headed over to the driving range so Kurt could work on his golf game and I sat and got a tan while he hit some balls. Then we drove over to the Greek Festival that was going on in town and chowed down on some Baklava and Gyros! Probably the best Gyros I've ever had- yum, yum!

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